Według De Zeit i Financial Times, Eurostat podjął decyzję, że zadłużenie państwowych banków musi być doliczane do długu publicznego, co w przypadku Niemiec, które znacjonalizowały WestLB i Hypo Real Estate może znaczać znaczny wzrost długu publicznego. ... Drogi są remontowane po każdej zimie, gdzie w Niemczech raz na 10 lat. nagminne są praktykowane podwyższania terenu/ działki i później co opad deszczu to spływa do sąsiada i ma jeziorko, zalane piwnice. ...
40 Peter Jeziorek September 29, 2008 at 8:58 pm. I am training for a marathon, so I bike on Saturday for a few hours, and then run a long run on Sunday. I widdle down the lists of things to read (Google Reader) and things to do (Remember the ...... Real male musician play trombone. It just also happens to be the instrument of God. I practice most of my day. In the evening I will hang out with friends that it are harder to see on the weekdays. Sunday, I wake up and watch ...
40 Peter bJeziorek/b September 29, 2008 at 8:58 pm. I am training for a marathon, so I bike on Saturday for a few hours, and then run a long run on Sunday. I widdle down the lists of things to read (Google Reader) and things to do (Remember the b....../b Real bmale/b musician play trombone. It just also happens to be the instrument of God. I practice most of my day. In the evening I will hang out with friends that it are harder to see on the weekdays. Sunday, I wake up and watch ...